Discover New Possible Solutions with a Licensed Chiropractor

When you think of the work done by a chiropractor, you are probably thinking of joint popping, deep massages, and more. While these practices may sometimes be beneficial to patients, here at Divine Design Natural Health, we provide chiropractic work with the understanding that patients may often come in with additional issues they wish to address.

A viable alternative

Trips to the doctor for muscle pain, soreness, stiffness, and more can often lead to unnecessary prescriptions being given to solve the problem when a more hands-on solution is possible. Divine Design Natural Health’s Dr. Brett Spradlin is a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic, meaning your caretaker has the education and experience you can depend on. As a practice rooted in history as an alternative to prescribed medicine, chiropractic work is a great option when you are faced with unaddressed pains.

Save with us

If you’ve been dealing with unaddressed pain for a long time and aren’t sure what to do about it, you are the exact type of candidate that medical insurance companies often prey on. Promising wellness through medication, insurance companies give temporary solutions to underlying problems that can’t be fixed with simple painkillers. Having ongoing prescriptions can add up quick after enough monthly payments are handed out, and Divine Design Natural Health can help you save on these costs when you visit for work done by a chiropractor. Pills can’t readjust your body in the way you might need to solve the source of pain, and that’s where we come in.

Through providing chiropractic adjustments, cold laser therapy, nutrition coaching, detoxification, and more, Divine Design Natural Health assists you in finding the natural way to improve your body’s health. If you have questions about our services or products we offer to help you on your way to living amore natural lifestyle, contact us today!