Chiropractor, Dr. Brett Spradlin, Answers Frequently Asked Questions

As a chiropractor and provider of holistic and homeopathic medicine, Dr. Brett Spradlin is happy to answer any questions you may have. If you do not see your question listed here, or would like additional information, do not hesitate to contact us by filling out our contact form or calling our office at (423) 800-6800.

Yes, but first we start with you. If your child is 18 or under and living at home, we require that you become a patient before your child. With this method, we rarely need to see your child for their health to improve.

Objection: “My child is so sick. I don’t want to spend money on myself. My child is more important.”
Answer: By spending money on yourself, you are helping your child. Consider it a BOGO.

Objection: “I don’t understand how becoming a patient myself will help my child.”
Answer: We understand this is different than anything you’ve heard before. Your child doesn’t buy the food, plan the meals, or cook. Your child doesn’t have a say in personal care products, cleaning supplies, or the water they drink. We change them by changing you, and you must change first.

If you have a sick child and don’t understand how helping yourself will help them, please read the story below and watch both of the videos. It will bring hope and understanding.

Patient testimonial story:
Nine months ago, this patient came to our office with numerous health issues. The conventional medical system had provided no answers or solutions. She quickly began to see results and downsized from wearing XL to M clothing (size 18-10) and is now practically symptom-free.

Her 3-year-old child had previously been diagnosed with autism.  His vocabulary consisted of the words “mom,” “dad,” and “bye.” This child never became a patient at our office. In the last nine months, he went from being nearly nonverbal to speaking, learning, and connecting with his family. This is a current video of him identifying objects and colors!

This is precisely why we require a parent to become a patient before their child. Not only has this precious mama gotten her health and her life back, but her kids and her husband are benefiting as well. In our clinical experience, kids get better when their parent/caregiver learns the truth about health and medicine. When we say, “Your child may never have to be a patient to get better,” we mean that.

When a parent takes that leap of faith and invests in their health, the testimonies we see in their entire family are incredible. We’re so proud of this mama. She put in the hard work, dedicated herself to getting better, and now she has changed the future of her entire family.

Insurance pays for drugs, surgery, and procedures that lead to drugs and surgery. Since we help you to avoid drugs and surgery altogether, your insurance does not accept us.

Your insurance only covers drugs, surgeries, and the procedures that will inevitably lead to drugs or surgeries. The sickest people we see often got into that situation because they had “great insurance.”

Free will often kill you. Remember that nothing is actually free. You paid for your care through taxation and payroll deductions.

If you actually desire true health, there is always a real cost associated with progress.

Yes. We can order any imaging or lab panels that your medical doctor can order, but we find that most patients have many tests and very few answers. Often, we observe no need to spend money on useless diagnostics because problems effortlessly subside using the simple methods we utilize every day. We’d rather have patients spending their hard-earned money on effective treatment rather than dangerous and expensive pictures.

We treat patients not conditions or symptoms. We’ve had great success with patients with a wide variety of conditions. Often the disease that someone is diagnosed with is an incorrect diagnosis from the start. Sometimes people are diagnosed by a doctor and sometimes by Google. Either way, treating someone for a condition they were incorrectly diagnosed with will not get you anywhere. Specialists specialize in drugs and diseases. We specialize in you and health.

Yes. For the sake of clarity, Divine Design Natural Health uses a completely holistic approach consisting of naturopathic methods through the use of homeopathic remedies, whole food nutrition, botanicals, drainage remedies, and even cellular organotherapy. Often, these terms are used interchangeably by those seeking natural healthcare options, so the definitions below should simplify things for those beginning a journey of natural wellness:

Definition of holistic: Characterized by the treatment of the whole person and taking into account mental and social factors rather than just the symptoms of a disease.

Definition of homeopathy: A system of natural health that addresses a disease, especially by the administration of minute doses of a remedy that would in larger amounts produce in healthy person symptoms similar to those of the disease.

Definition of naturopathic: Naturopathic healthcare is a distinct profession emphasizing prevention, treatment, and optimal health through the use of therapeutic methods and substances that encourage an individual’s inherent self-healing process. [Your phone code is 3364]

By law and by license, we never come between patients and their medical doctors. We simply get patients healthy so that they have no further need for the medications, and that does take time. We can help you through every step of the process.

Although the appearance of painful symptoms may be the initial reason why many patients request healthcare, chiropractic physicians do not treat symptoms. Chiropractors look for the source of dysfunction rather than attempting to mask the resulting pain. The primary focus of chiropractic is the detection and correction of joint misalignments with resultant nervous system dysfunction.

The spinal cord, a critical part of the central nervous system, is responsible for the transmission of messages to and from the brain. These nerve impulses are necessary to direct every part of the human body in proper function whether walking, sleeping, or digesting. A spinal or other joint malfunction can interrupt the transmission of these messages and affect the body’s nervous system causing muscle pain, organ dysfunction, and other imbalances.

Sound scientific principles define chiropractic, and the nervous system’s relationship to the spine is the very focus of chiropractic. Of all nine bodily systems, the nervous system reigns supreme, regulating all other systems and their intricate processes. The nervous system’s role as the primary control center of the body is, therefore, an undisputed scientific fact. The spinal column of vertebrae protects the delicate spinal cord and allows for freedom of movement. When these vertebrae become misaligned due to repetitive injury or trauma, inflammation of surrounding tissue causes compromise of the spinal nerves exiting the spinal cord through small holes between vertebrae. This can result in range of motion limitations, causing one to experience pain and other symptoms of dysfunction. This can lead to chronic disability and a decreased quality of life.

Chiropractic has been shown to have significant and lasting health benefits. Through the reduction of these misalignments, the doctor of chiropractic seeks to restore the natural healing potential of the human body. The body responds naturally by relieving symptoms and restoring health. There is simply nothing scientific about unknown interactions from the drug combinations most patients are currently taking. The health paradigm is quickly shifting, and more patients are realizing that health comes naturally from the inside out – not the outside in by means of pharmaceutical concoctions targeting symptoms of pain.

Is it cheaper to replace your engine or to routinely change your oil? What do you prefer – damage control or routine maintenance? Our society has misplaced its priorities and redefined its definitions of health and disease. We now have specialists who concentrate on diseases rather than health. This paradigm must change.

The clinical effectiveness of chiropractic has been documented by organizations completely unaffiliated with chiropractic and by published studies conducted according to the highest of scientific standards. Over and over, the conservative management of chiropractic physicians, resulting in highly significant cost savings to the consumer, could easily lessen many well-known healthcare burdens.

So, to answer the question of chiropractic’s expense, the monthly cost of pain medications coupled with their toll on your body or the overwhelming price tag associated with surgery leaves little doubt as to which is more affordable in the long run. Doctors of chiropractic provide highly effective, low-cost healthcare for wide ranges of conditions without the need for poisonous drugs or invasive surgeries – both of which carry heavy burdens of cost and complicated side effects.

We understand why a patient may not want his or her neck adjusted. They’ve watched too much professional wrestling, and we can relate to their fears and concerns. However, how many of these patients would let someone inject them, prescribe a daily pill, or remove a required piece of anatomy without question? An adjustment doesn’t sound quite as bad when you see it through a different set of lenses, now does it?

Chiropractic care is non-invasive. Therefore, the body’s response under the care of a chiropractor is far more predictable than its reactions to surgical procedures or drug treatments. News media coverage and widespread advertising campaigns do much to propagate the long lists of drug side effects and their frequent casualties as well as lawsuits for prescription drugs and medical implants. You will never see this with chiropractic treatment. There simply is a lack of any data concluding that chiropractic is in any way harmful or dangerous.

“What about when chiropractors crack your bones?” Well, it’s not actually your bones making the noise, and even this procedure is exceedingly safe and efficient. Every day in America, nearly one million chiropractic adjustments are given. Complications are exceedingly rare, as is evidenced by the negligible malpractice insurance rates paid by most chiropractic physicians. Insurance companies deem chiropractors many times safer than medical physicians prescribing pharmaceuticals. Numbers do not lie.

As far back as 1979, these facts were well known, and a great safety summary statement was published by the government of New Zealand which established a commission to study the efficacy and safety of chiropractic. They found: “The conspicuous lack of evidence that chiropractors cause harm or allow harm to occur through neglect of medical referral can be taken to mean only one thing: that chiropractors have on the whole an impressive safety record.”

After years of training in anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics and much clinical experience, each chiropractic doctor becomes highly skilled in delivering a variety of adjusting techniques. Some doctors concentrate on only one technique, but what if your body does not respond to that approach? That’s why we use every technique available (in some very creative ways) in order to stimulate your joints and nervous system for safe and effective healing.

An adjustment, quite simply, is the application of a precise force in a specific direction to a joint that is fixated or not moving properly. An adjustment adds motion to a joint, helping the bones and ligaments to gradually return to a more normal anatomical position. Likewise, an adjustment adds input to receptors in the joints, muscles, and tendons to affect nervous system output and input in very specific ways.

There are many ways to adjust the body. Some chiropractors focus only on the spine and neck. We, however, use adjustments to all parts of the body, including shoulders, elbows, wrists, fingers, hips, knees, ankles, and toes. Usually the doctor’s hands or a specially designed instrument delivers a brief and highly accurate thrust. Most adjustments are completely pain-free and often result in immediate cessation of pain to your problem area. Other adjustments may result in minor residual soreness as can occur after working out.

Adjusting a joint accomplishes several things. Remember that our body is a neuromusculoskeletal marvel in that the nerves control the muscles which then move the bones. An adjustment affects the nerves, muscles, and joints in a very unique way. Here is a very simplified explanation:

First, an adjustment stimulates sensory nerve receptors in the nervous system to block pain and to normalize transmission of sensory (in) and motor (out) nerve signals.

Second, an adjustment stretches the surrounding muscles to relieve spasm and to restore proper motion, contraction, and joint stability.

Third, an adjustment briefly and gently separates the joint, which expands it and circulates joint fluid to promote and restore the normal range of motion.

Finally, an adjustment promotes faster healing by increasing lymph and blood flow to the area. Required nutrients are brought in, and wastes are transported out to restore the body’s natural ability to properly heal.

Muscle and nerve cells die without proper stimulation. The chiropractic adjustment is the most unique and beneficial cellular stimulation known to man.

Lubricating fluids and fibrous joint capsules separate and surround the bones of each joint. Some adjustments can produce a sound when the gas and fluids in the joint shift against the surrounding joint capsule. This is completely harmless and very similar to removing a suction cup or opening a bottle of champagne. While the sound is interesting, it is not requisite for an effective adjustment.

Long-term pain or dysfunction seldom disappears instantaneously. Therefore, chiropractic care utilizes multiple visits for a progressive shift from pain relief, to rehabilitation, to optimal health. This allows time for your body to repair itself naturally. Remember that all processes require time. This natural approach helps you avoid the inherent dangers of medications and the rehabilitative recovery time often required by surgery.

Wellness care and regular checkups are used in order to prevent re-injury and maintain optimal health. This is very similar to vision or dental checkups but with an emphasis on your nervous system, muscular system, and skeletal system – your body’s neuromusculoskeletal cornerstone.